Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 1 on the Island

I don't know how I'm going to fit everything that happened this entire past week on here... but let me just start by saying that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it here!!!
The people are super nice; students, faculty, and even the locals! The food is so delicious and the fruit is really fresh. The island itself is just a great place to visit, and even to live in. Loving the beaches and scenery too! The only thing I hate at the moment is the mosquitos! I am getting eaten alive everytime I leave the house.

Anyway, I totally feel like I belong here, like it was meant to be and I know I'm going to succeed. I have never felt so welcome in any place in my entire life.

It is, however, a huge change from living in the US my whole life. I'm picking up manners I was never taught in the US. The food is definitely different, but a lot healthier compared to what I usually ate in Georgia. You cannot live here if you're not somewhat physically fit, there is a ton of walking. I'm not even going to try and learn how to drive on the left side of the road. And you sweat. A lot. It almost feels pointless to shower at times, but it feels good to be clean when you can be!

Anyway, I've take a few pictures at the island, not many of myself, but the island looks beautiful!!

Riding the bust to school

Chicken Roti (bought on campus)

Kitty we found in the student center

Got all my books and kit! Ready to be a DVM!

Beach day at Grand Anse

Another beach day at L'Anse Aux Epines

View of Grand Anse Beach

This "new" beach we discovered! lol

Eating lunch under the canopy at some restaurant in Grand Anse

View from my patio! So beautiful.

Maurice Bishop International Airport. First airport I had to step outside of the plane to get inside the airport.

Beach on campus

Culture and history of Grenada at orientation! So entertaining!


  1. I love your blog and I am super proud of you! Good luck in your studies! You are going to be a great vet!
