Sunday, October 6, 2013

Leftover Pets

I haven’t really said much yet about my passion on my blog, so I want you to see one of the things I love to do most. It’s something that keeps me motivated to continue to pursue my career.
About a year ago, I began volunteering for this organization called Leftover Pets. We are a small non-profit spay/neuter organization in Georgia to reduce the high euthanasia rate in shelters. Basically our clinic rescues pets either from shelters or homeless pets turned into the clinic. After they are spayed/neutered, we vaccinate them and adopt them out to caring people looking for a new addition to their family.
I specifically volunteer with the cats and adopt them out at a local PetSmart. We make sure they always have clean beds, clean litter, food, water, etc.
I love doing adoptions and seeing these babies get new homes. It touches my heart to know that there are people out there that care about animals as much as I do.

Anyway, I encourage that if you are looking to adopt, please spay and neuter your pets. By doing this, you are reducing the overpopulation of animals on the streets without homes and the killing rate of shelter pets. Vaccinations are also super important. Here’s a list of what our clinic gives to our cats before they are adoptable:
  • Spay/Neuter
  • Negative Leukemia Test
  • FVRCP Vaccination
  • Rabies Vaccination (if over 12 weeks old)
  • Deworming
  • Flea Control
  • Microchip

Here are just some pictures of adoptions I get to witness on a weekly basis:



If you live in the Atlanta area and are looking to adopt a cat or kitten, check out our website or Facebook page.


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