Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vet School Acceptance and Prep

When I found out I got accepted to vet school at St. George's University I was literally jumping up and down screaming. I had my interview via Skype about 2 months prior to my acceptance phone call, so I figured they just didn’t want me for some reason. Needless to say, the thought of being one step closer to reaching my goal felt amazing.

I always dreamed of completing my schooling in the US, so the thought of going to vet school in the Caribbean just sounded scary. But I talked to friends and read reviews about doctors who went to vet school out there, and the education in Grenada seemed to be just as effective as in the US.

At this point, I kept thinking about the school and traveling (since I’ve never traveled out of the country) and how it would be stupid for me not to accept this opportunity. This is the perfect time for me to explore what’s out there. I’m young, unmarried, and have no kids… so what is there to hold me back? Absolutely nothing. I need to take a chance in life, and the only thing I would regret is not taking it.

A really good friend of mine always says, “If you were to die tomorrow, would you be satisfied with everything you’ve accomplished in life?” The answer is no, I feel like I’ve been following the path that was handed to me and I haven’t done enough in life.

So I finally decided. Yes, I am going to St. George’s University! Now the hard part is preparing for this journey in my life.

Thankfully, some of the current students at SGU made a Facebook group for the incoming class so that we can interact and get to know each other before school starts. They also post things to know before we come out there, like lists of thing to take with us, what not to bring, and just everyday tips.
What I’m getting from the list is to bring ONLY what I need… and learn to become a minimalist.

Gotta start representin'!